玩命加载中 . . .

快速清除S3 Bucket下Objects


客户现场碰到ceph集群在 Recovery,但是 backfill full,需要清理掉部分数据。



  • NJ Lab 4U36B,3台物理设备,每个node 3盘组RAID0, 内置两颗3.84T威刚NVME SSD

  • 每个节点12个OSD,总计36个OSD

  • 2+1 EC Pool 作为 S3 Data Pool

  • 3台Client,运行Cosbench,向单一Bucket中灌入512KiB和 5MiB 大小的对象,按 1:1 比例灌入,大约写入300000个对象


  • 利用aws s3api list-object-versions携带query参数,获取指定Bucket下待清理Objects

  • 利用aws s3api delete-objects 去delete Objects


  • 支持清理多个prefix objects

  • 支持被清理Bucket enable/disable Version下objects的清理

  • 支持并发处理

    1. 每次获取指定数量(e.g:50000)的Objects

    2. 获取到的原始数据,并发分割成子文件,每个文件最多只含有1000个待删除Objects

    3. 并发读取各个子文件进行Objects的delete操作


Bucket 没有启用version

[2023-04-26 08:45:45]  ceph df:
    SIZE       AVAIL      RAW USED     %RAW USED
    786TiB     766TiB      20.7TiB          2.63
    NAME                          ID     USED        %USED     MAX AVAIL     OBJECTS
    .rgw.root                     1      1.07KiB         0        108TiB           4
    default.rgw.control           2           0B         0        224TiB           8
    default.rgw.meta              3      2.14KiB         0        225TiB          15
    default.rgw.log               4           0B         0        224TiB         288
    .ezs3                         5       210KiB         0        234TiB           7
    data                          6      5.81TiB      1.96        290TiB     6643190
    default.rgw.buckets.data      7           0B         0        290TiB           0
    .ezs3.central.log             8       214KiB         0        235TiB         113
    .ezs3.statistic               9           0B         0        246TiB           0
    metadata                      10      123MiB         0        361TiB        1056
    default.rgw.buckets.index     11     10.8GiB         0        206TiB         643
    ec                            13      726GiB      0.15        479TiB      297854
    rbd                           14          0B         0        291TiB           0
    san-pool                      15     4.59TiB      1.26        361TiB     4814435
*********************************  Generate Objects file  *******************************
[2023-04-26 08:48:31]  ceph df:
    SIZE       AVAIL      RAW USED     %RAW USED
    786TiB     767TiB      19.6TiB          2.50
    NAME                          ID     USED        %USED     MAX AVAIL     OBJECTS
    .rgw.root                     1      1.07KiB         0        108TiB           4
    default.rgw.control           2           0B         0        224TiB           8
    default.rgw.meta              3      2.14KiB         0        225TiB          15
    default.rgw.log               4           0B         0        224TiB         288
    .ezs3                         5       210KiB         0        234TiB           7
    data                          6      5.81TiB      1.96        290TiB     6643190
    default.rgw.buckets.data      7           0B         0        291TiB           0
    .ezs3.central.log             8       214KiB         0        235TiB         113
    .ezs3.statistic               9           0B         0        246TiB           0
    metadata                      10      123MiB         0        362TiB        1056
    default.rgw.buckets.index     11     10.8GiB         0        206TiB         643
    ec                            13     16.2GiB         0        480TiB        3323
    rbd                           14          0B         0        292TiB           0
    san-pool                      15     4.59TiB      1.25        362TiB     4814435
*********************************  Generate Objects file  *******************************
[2023-04-26 08:48:32]  Generate Objects file
aws s3api list-object-versions --endpoint-url=http://localhost --bucket "bucket01" --prefix "Veeam/" --page-size 1000 --max-items 50000 --query "[Versions][].{Key: Key}" >> Veeam-all.json
[2023-04-26 08:48:32]  Generate Veeam-all.json cost 0s
[2023-04-26 08:48:32]  Matched objects versions count : 0 to delete
*********************************  Calc total cost time *********************************
[2023-04-26 08:48:32]  Total cost 167s


(726 - 16.2) / 167 = 4.25GiB/s
(297854 - 3323) / 167 = 1763 Objects/s

Bucket 启用 version

root@node161:~# bash empty_bucket_v1.2.sh 
***** This script will to delete objects which PREFIX is Veeam *****
    SIZE       AVAIL      RAW USED     %RAW USED 
    786TiB     766TiB      20.7TiB          2.63 
    NAME                          ID     USED        %USED     MAX AVAIL     OBJECTS 
    .rgw.root                     1      1.07KiB         0        108TiB           4 
    default.rgw.control           2           0B         0        224TiB           8 
    default.rgw.meta              3      2.14KiB         0        225TiB          15 
    default.rgw.log               4           0B         0        224TiB         288 
    .ezs3                         5       210KiB         0        234TiB           7 
    data                          6      5.81TiB      1.96        290TiB     6643190 
    default.rgw.buckets.data      7           0B         0        290TiB           0 
    .ezs3.central.log             8       214KiB         0        235TiB         115 
    .ezs3.statistic               9           0B         0        246TiB           0 
    metadata                      10      123MiB         0        361TiB        1056 
    default.rgw.buckets.index     11     17.9GiB         0        206TiB         674 
    ec                            13      734GiB      0.15        479TiB      597759 
    rbd                           14          0B         0        291TiB           0 
    san-pool                      15     4.59TiB      1.26        361TiB     4814435 
*********************************  Generate Objects file  *******************************
***** This script will to delete objects which PREFIX is Veeam *****
Deleted Veeam-all.json...
    SIZE       AVAIL      RAW USED     %RAW USED 
    786TiB     767TiB      19.6TiB          2.50 
    NAME                          ID     USED        %USED     MAX AVAIL     OBJECTS 
    .rgw.root                     1      1.07KiB         0        108TiB           4 
    default.rgw.control           2           0B         0        224TiB           8 
    default.rgw.meta              3      2.14KiB         0        225TiB          15 
    default.rgw.log               4           0B         0        224TiB         288 
    .ezs3                         5       210KiB         0        234TiB           7 
    data                          6      5.81TiB      1.96        290TiB     6643190 
    default.rgw.buckets.data      7           0B         0        291TiB           0 
    .ezs3.central.log             8       214KiB         0        235TiB         115 
    .ezs3.statistic               9           0B         0        246TiB           0 
    metadata                      10      123MiB         0        362TiB        1056 
    default.rgw.buckets.index     11     17.9GiB         0        206TiB         674 
    ec                            13     1.38GiB         0        480TiB         541 
    rbd                           14          0B         0        292TiB           0 
    san-pool                      15     4.59TiB      1.25        362TiB     4814435 
*********************************  Generate Objects file  *******************************
aws s3api list-object-versions --endpoint-url=http://localhost --bucket "bucket01" --prefix "Veeam/" --page-size 1000 --max-items 50000 --query "[Versions,DeleteMarkers][].{Key: Key, VersionId: VersionId}"  >> Veeam-all.json
[2023-04-26 09:05:57]  Generate Veeam-all.json cost 1s
[2023-04-26 09:05:57]  Matched objects versions count : 0 to delete
[WARN]  Matched (0) object to delete, exit!!!
*********************************  Calc total cost time *********************************
[2023-04-26 09:05:57]  Total cost 314s


(734 - 1.38) / 314 = 2.33 GiB/s
(597759 - 541) / 314 = 1901 Objects/s

TiB 级别的大量数据的删除:


  • 如下删除动作,是先全部Dump完被删除对象,再并发清理。 Script后来有调整,防止最初的dump原始数据耗时太久出现异常。

  • 如下记录,仅做一个参考(通过其他的测试,从结果上看,Script后来的调整并没有出现删除衰减掉线严重现象)

  • 全部Dump出来记录再删除,如果这个dump的速度跟不上业务写入的速度(假定业务会持续写入),会出现一直都在dump数据,肯定会消耗比较多的Memory;所以跳转成每次只dump 5万笔记录,然后并发对这5万笔记录清理。

[2023-04-25 15:57:06]  ceph df:
    SIZE       AVAIL      RAW USED     %RAW USED
    786TiB     754TiB      32.9TiB          4.18
    NAME                          ID     USED        %USED     MAX AVAIL     OBJECTS
    .rgw.root                     1      1.07KiB         0        106TiB           4
    default.rgw.control           2           0B         0        220TiB           8
    default.rgw.meta              3      2.14KiB         0        221TiB          15
    default.rgw.log               4           0B         0        220TiB         288
    .ezs3                         5           0B         0        230TiB           4
    data                          6      5.81TiB      2.00        285TiB     6643190
    default.rgw.buckets.data      7           0B         0        286TiB           0
    .ezs3.central.log             8       212KiB         0        231TiB         113
    .ezs3.statistic               9           0B         0        242TiB           0
    metadata                      10      123MiB         0        355TiB        1056
    default.rgw.buckets.index     11     8.45GiB         0        203TiB        3203
    ec                            13     8.83TiB      1.84        471TiB     7784745
    rbd                           14          0B         0        286TiB           0
    san-pool                      15     4.59TiB      1.28        355TiB     4814435
*********************************  Generate Objects file  *******************************
[2023-04-25 15:57:06]  Generate Objects file
aws s3api list-object-versions --endpoint-url=http://localhost --bucket "bucket01" --prefix "Veeam/" --page-size 10000 --query "[Versions,DeleteMarkers][].{Key: Key, VersionId: VersionId}"  >> Veeam-all.json
[2023-04-25 16:28:21]  Generate Veeam-all.json cost 1875s
[2023-04-25 16:28:21]  Matched objects versions count: 3839000 to delete
************************************  Split files  **************************************
[2023-04-25 16:28:43]  Split files
[2023-04-25 16:30:46]  Split json file cost 123s
***********************************  Delete Objects *************************************
[2023-04-25 16:30:46]  Delete Objects
[2023-04-25 16:30:46]  1000 records per pickup file, which will be delete from 3839 files
[DEBUG]  Total loop times : 39
[DEBUG]  Loop time : 0, delete from 1 to 100
aws s3api delete-objects --bucket bucket01 --delete file://Veeam-page-1.json --endpoint-url=http://localhost
........................................ 中间内容省略 ......................................
aws s3api delete-objects --bucket bucket01 --delete file://Veeam-page-3838.json --endpoint-url=http://localhost
aws s3api delete-objects --bucket bucket01 --delete file://Veeam-page-3839.json --endpoint-url=http://localhost
[2023-04-25 16:58:19]  Delete Objects cost 1653s
*********************************  Calc total cost time *********************************
[2023-04-25 16:58:19]  Total cost 3673s
***************************************  ceph df ****************************************
[2023-04-25 16:58:19]  ceph df:
    SIZE       AVAIL      RAW USED     %RAW USED
    786TiB     767TiB      19.7TiB          2.51
    NAME                          ID     USED        %USED     MAX AVAIL     OBJECTS
    .rgw.root                     1      1.07KiB         0        108TiB           4
    default.rgw.control           2           0B         0        224TiB           8
    default.rgw.meta              3      2.14KiB         0        225TiB          15
    default.rgw.log               4           0B         0        224TiB         288
    .ezs3                         5           0B         0        234TiB           4
    data                          6      5.81TiB      1.96        290TiB     6643190
    default.rgw.buckets.data      7           0B         0        291TiB           0
    .ezs3.central.log             8       213KiB         0        235TiB         113
    .ezs3.statistic               9           0B         0        246TiB           0
    metadata                      10      123MiB         0        362TiB        1056
    default.rgw.buckets.index     11     8.45GiB         0        206TiB        1698
    ec                            13     73.5GiB      0.01        480TiB      119043
    rbd                           14          0B         0        292TiB           0
    san-pool                      15     4.59TiB      1.25        362TiB     4814435


root@node162:~# python
Python 2.7.12 (default, Oct  5 2020, 13:56:01) 
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 8.83 * 1024 - 73.5
>>> (8.83 * 1024 - 73.5) / 3673.0
>>> (7784745 - 119043) / 3673.0

相当于 2.44GiB/s,或2087Objects/s的删除速度。


删除的数据量 删除的Objects数 Bucket是否启用Version 耗时 删除速度
From 726GiB to 16.2GiB From 297854 to 3323 No 167s 4.25GiB/s; 1763 Objects/s
From 734GiB to 1.38GiB From 597759 to 541 Yes 314s 2.33 GiB/s; 1901 Objects/s
From 8.83TiB to 73.5GiB From 7784745 to 119043 Yes 3673s 2.442GiB/s; 2087.04 Objects/s

Script 内容


prefixes.txt,这个文件要存在,里面记录被删除Object的前缀(是目录哦,如果文件直接放在顶层Bucket下,需要修改脚本中 “aws s3api list-object-version” 动作里的 ‘–prefix "$current_prefix/"’ 变更成 ‘–prefix "$current_prefix"’),如果有多个前缀,每行一个前缀记录,参考如下:


root@node161:~# cat prefixes.txt 


root@node161:~# cat prefixes.txt 

Script 内容

root@node244:~# cat empty_bucket_v1.3.sh 

TASK_NO=100        # Maximum deletion concurrency allowed
MAX_ITEMS=50000    # List-version fetches the maximum number of records at a time
VERSION_SPLIT_NUMBER=4000  # One complete record every 4 line for query out if bucket enable version, i.e. 1000 Objects
NO_VERSION_SPLIT_NUMBER=3000  # One complete record every 3 line for query out if bucket not enable version, i.e. 1000 Objects
PREFIXES_FILE="prefixes.txt"  # If has many preifix, each line one record

function usage()
   echo -e "*****************************************"
   echo "usae: $0 BUCKET_NAME"
   echo -e ""
   echo "  e.g.: $0 bucket01"
   echo -e ""
   echo -e "*****************************************"
   exit 1

function check_jq()
    os_type=`hostnamectl | grep 'Operating System'`
    if [[ ${os_type} =~ 'Ubuntu' ]]; then
        grep_res=`dpkg -l | grep -w jq`
        install_cmd="apt-get update;apt-get install jq -y"
        grep_res=`rpm -qa | grep jq-`
        install_cmd="yum install jq -y"

    if [[ ${grep_res} =~ 'jq' ]]; then
        echo ""
        echo -e "[ERROR]  Not install jq, please run '${install_cmd}' to installl it"
        echo ""
        exit 2

function empty_bucket()
    version_tag=`aws s3api get-bucket-versioning --bucket ${BUCKET} --endpoint-url=http://localhost`
    flag=`echo $?`
    if [[ ${version_tag} =~ 'Enabled' ]];then
        if [[ ${flag} -eq 0 ]]; then
            echo ""
            echo -e "[ERROR]  Reason:\n
    1. No aws credentials, please type 'aws configure' to config \n
    2. Configed aws credentials, but not match the S3 AKEY/SKEY \n
    3. Bucket : [${BUCKET}] not exist \n"

            exit 1

    if [[ -f "$PREFIXES_FILE" ]]; then
        while read -r current_prefix
            printf '***** This script will to delete objects which PREFIX is %s *****\n' "$current_prefix"


            if [ -f "$OLD_OBJECTS_FILE" ]; then
                printf 'Deleted %s...\n' "$OLD_OBJECTS_FILE"

                rm "$OLD_OBJECTS_FILE"
                rm -rf $current_prefix-page-*.json

            echo -e "*****************************************************************************************" | tee -a ${LOG}
            # At first, get output of 'ceph df'
            cur_time=`date "+%G-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`
            echo -e "[${cur_time}]  ceph df:" >> ${LOG}
            ceph df | tee -a ${LOG}

            echo -e "*********************************  Generate Objects file  *******************************" | tee -a ${LOG}
            gen_obj_start_time=`date "+%G-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`
            echo -e "[${gen_obj_start_time}]  Generate Objects file" >> ${LOG}

            if [[ ${version_flag} == 'disable' ]]; then
               # cmd="aws s3api list-object-versions --endpoint-url=http://localhost --bucket \"$BUCKET\" --prefix \"$current_prefix/\" --page-size 1000 --max-items ${MAX_ITEMS} --query \"[Versions][].{Key: Key}\" >> $OLD_OBJECTS_FILE"
               cmd="aws s3api list-object-versions --endpoint-url=http://localhost --bucket \"$BUCKET\" --prefix \"$current_prefix\" --page-size 1000 --max-items ${MAX_ITEMS} --query \"[Versions][].{Key: Key}\" >> $OLD_OBJECTS_FILE"
               # cmd="aws s3api list-object-versions --endpoint-url=http://localhost --bucket \"$BUCKET\" --prefix \"$current_prefix/\" --page-size 1000 --max-items ${MAX_ITEMS} --query \"[Versions,DeleteMarkers][].{Key: Key, VersionId: VersionId}\"  >> $OLD_OBJECTS_FILE"
               cmd="aws s3api list-object-versions --endpoint-url=http://localhost --bucket \"$BUCKET\" --prefix \"$current_prefix\" --page-size 1000 --max-items ${MAX_ITEMS} --query \"[Versions,DeleteMarkers][].{Key: Key, VersionId: VersionId}\"  >> $OLD_OBJECTS_FILE"

            echo -e "$cmd" | tee -a ${LOG}
            eval "$cmd"
            gen_obj_end_time=`date "+%G-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`
            gen_obj_time_distance=$(expr $(date +%s -d "${gen_obj_end_time}") - $(date +%s -d "${gen_obj_start_time}"))
            echo -e "[${gen_obj_end_time}]  Generate $OLD_OBJECTS_FILE cost ${gen_obj_time_distance}s" | tee -a ${LOG}

            no_of_obj=$(cat "$OLD_OBJECTS_FILE" | jq 'length')
            if [[ "$no_of_obj" = "" ]]; then

            # Get old version Objects
            echo -e "[${gen_obj_end_time}]  Matched objects versions count : $no_of_obj to delete" | tee -a ${LOG}

            # If $OLD_OBJECTS_FILE, means no need to generate again, exit
            if [[ ${no_of_obj} -eq 0 ]]; then
                echo -e "[WARN]  Matched (${no_of_obj}) object to delete, exit!!!"
                echo ""

                end_time=`date "+%G-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`
                time_distance=$(expr $(date +%s -d "${end_time}") - $(date +%s -d "${start_time}"))

                echo -e "*********************************  Calc total cost time *********************************" | tee -a ${LOG}
                echo -e "[${end_time}]  Total cost ${time_distance}s" | tee -a ${LOG}
                echo ""
                echo -e "*****************************************************************************************" | tee -a ${LOG}
                exit 2

            echo -e "************************************  Split files  **************************************" | tee -a ${LOG}
            split_obj_start_time=`date "+%G-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`
            echo -e "[${split_obj_start_time}]  Split files" >> ${LOG}

            cp $OLD_OBJECTS_FILE ${OLD_OBJECTS_FILE}_bak
            # 1st, modify the $OLD_OBJECTS_FILE
            ## Delete the first line
            sed -i '1d' $OLD_OBJECTS_FILE
            ## Replace the last line, change ']' to ','
            sed -i '$s/]/,/' $OLD_OBJECTS_FILE

            # 2nd, split file
            ## If enable version, each 4 line is one record
            ## If not enable version, each 3 line is one record
            previous_file_no=$((${file_no} - 1))

文章作者: Gavin Wang
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 Gavin Wang !