玩命加载中 . . .

pytest hook系列之pytest_runtest_logreport




  1. 记录测试结果:在生成测试报告时记录和处理每个测试项的结果信息。

  2. 处理统计数据:在生成测试报告时处理和记录统计数据,例如通过率、失败率等。

  3. 生成自定义报告:在生成测试报告时生成自定义格式的报告,例如JSON报告、HTML报告等。


def pytest_runtest_logreport(report):
    # report: 当前测试项的执行报告对象,包含测试项的所有信息和结果
  • report:当前测试项的执行报告对象,包含测试项的所有信息和结果。





  1. 使用 pytest_runtest_logreport 钩子函数。

  2. 在钩子函数中记录每个测试项的结果,并在测试会话结束时输出统计信息。


# conftest.py
import pytest

passed_tests = []
failed_tests = []

def pytest_runtest_logreport(report):
    # 记录测试通过和失败的统计数据
    if report.when == 'call':
        if report.outcome == 'passed':
        elif report.outcome == 'failed':

def pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus):
    # 打印统计数据
    print(f"\nPassed tests: {len(passed_tests)}")
    print(f"Failed tests: {len(failed_tests)}")

# 示例测试文件 `tests/test_example.py`
def test_example1():
    assert 1 + 1 == 2

def test_example2():
    assert 2 + 2 == 5  # 故意的失败用于演示


  • pytest_runtest_logreport 钩子函数中记录每个测试项的结果信息,并更新通过和失败的列表。

  • pytest_sessionfinish 钩子函数中打印统计数据,显示测试通过和失败的数量。




  1. 使用 pytest_runtest_logreport 钩子函数生成测试结果。

  2. 在钩子函数中处理并生成 JSON 报告文件。


# conftest.py
import pytest
import json

test_results = []

def pytest_runtest_logreport(report):
    # 收集测试结果
    if report.when == 'call':
        result = {
            'nodeid': report.nodeid,
            'outcome': report.outcome,
            'duration': report.duration

def pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus):
    # 生成 JSON 格式的测试报告
    with open('test_report.json', 'w') as f:
        json.dump(test_results, f, indent=4)
    print(f"Generated JSON report with {len(test_results)} test results.")

# 示例测试文件 `tests/test_example.py`
def test_example1():
    assert 1 + 1 == 2

def test_example2():
    assert 2 + 2 == 4


  • pytest_runtest_logreport 钩子函数中收集每个测试项的结果信息,并记录到 test_results 列表中。

  • pytest_sessionfinish 钩子函数中生成JSON格式的测试报告,并保存到文件中。




  1. 使用 pytest_runtest_logreport 钩子函数添加调试和日志信息。

  2. 在钩子函数中处理并输出相应的调试和日志信息。


# conftest.py
import pytest
import logging

# 配置日志记录
logging.basicConfig(filename='test_debug.log', level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s')

def pytest_runtest_logreport(report):
    # 添加调试和日志信息
    if report.when == 'call':
        log_message = f"Test {report.nodeid} {report.outcome.upper()} with duration {report.duration:.4f} seconds."

# 示例测试文件 `tests/test_example.py`
def test_example1():
    assert 1 + 1 == 2

def test_example2():
    assert 2 + 2 == 4


  • pytest_runtest_logreport 钩子函数中添加调试和日志信息,通过 logging 模块记录到日志文件中,并输出到控制台。




pytest -s -v





root@Gavin:~/test/hook# pytest -s -v
================================================================================================================== test session starts ==================================================================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.11.6, pytest-8.0.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
Test order randomisation NOT enabled. Enable with --random-order or --random-order-bucket=<bucket_type>
sensitiveurl: .*
metadata: {'Python': '3.11.6', 'Platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-35-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.38', 'Packages': {'pytest': '8.0.2', 'pluggy': '1.5.0'}, 'Plugins': {'cov': '4.1.0', 'order': '1.2.0', 'random-order': '1.1.1', 'tornasync': '0.6.0.post2', 'check': '2.2.2', 'instafail': '0.5.0', 'allure-pytest': '2.13.2', 'asyncio': '0.23.6', 'selenium': '4.1.0', 'xdist': '3.5.0', 'variables': '3.1.0', 'rerunfailures': '13.0', 'html': '4.1.1', 'progress': '1.2.5', 'metadata': '3.0.0', 'twisted': '1.14.1', 'picked': '0.5.0', 'anyio': '4.3.0', 'Faker': '24.0.0', 'trio': '0.8.0', 'repeat': '0.9.3', 'base-url': '2.1.0', 'dependency': '0.6.0', 'dotenv': '0.5.2', 'timeout': '2.2.0'}, 'JAVA_HOME': '/usr/lib/jdk1.8.0_171', 'Base URL': '', 'Driver': None, 'Capabilities': {}}
rootdir: /root/test/hook
plugins: cov-4.1.0, order-1.2.0, random-order-1.1.1, tornasync-0.6.0.post2, check-2.2.2, instafail-0.5.0, allure-pytest-2.13.2, asyncio-0.23.6, selenium-4.1.0, xdist-3.5.0, variables-3.1.0, rerunfailures-13.0, html-4.1.1, progress-1.2.5, metadata-3.0.0, twisted-1.14.1, picked-0.5.0, anyio-4.3.0, Faker-24.0.0, trio-0.8.0, repeat-0.9.3, base-url-2.1.0, dependency-0.6.0, dotenv-0.5.2, timeout-2.2.0
asyncio: mode=Mode.STRICT
collected 2 items                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

tests/test_example.py::test_example1 PASSED
tests/test_example.py::test_example2 FAILED
Passed tests: 1
Failed tests: 1

======================================================================================================================= FAILURES ========================================================================================================================
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ test_example2 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    def test_example2():
>       assert 2 + 2 == 5
E       assert (2 + 2) == 5

tests/test_example.py:5: AssertionError
================================================================================================================ short test summary info ================================================================================================================
FAILED tests/test_example.py::test_example2 - assert (2 + 2) == 5
============================================================================================================== 1 failed, 1 passed in 0.10s ==============================================================================================================


root@Gavin:~/test/hook# pytest -s -v
================================================================================================================== test session starts ==================================================================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.11.6, pytest-8.0.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
Test order randomisation NOT enabled. Enable with --random-order or --random-order-bucket=<bucket_type>
sensitiveurl: .*
metadata: {'Python': '3.11.6', 'Platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-35-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.38', 'Packages': {'pytest': '8.0.2', 'pluggy': '1.5.0'}, 'Plugins': {'cov': '4.1.0', 'order': '1.2.0', 'random-order': '1.1.1', 'tornasync': '0.6.0.post2', 'check': '2.2.2', 'instafail': '0.5.0', 'allure-pytest': '2.13.2', 'asyncio': '0.23.6', 'selenium': '4.1.0', 'xdist': '3.5.0', 'variables': '3.1.0', 'rerunfailures': '13.0', 'html': '4.1.1', 'progress': '1.2.5', 'metadata': '3.0.0', 'twisted': '1.14.1', 'picked': '0.5.0', 'anyio': '4.3.0', 'Faker': '24.0.0', 'trio': '0.8.0', 'repeat': '0.9.3', 'base-url': '2.1.0', 'dependency': '0.6.0', 'dotenv': '0.5.2', 'timeout': '2.2.0'}, 'JAVA_HOME': '/usr/lib/jdk1.8.0_171', 'Base URL': '', 'Driver': None, 'Capabilities': {}}
rootdir: /root/test/hook
plugins: cov-4.1.0, order-1.2.0, random-order-1.1.1, tornasync-0.6.0.post2, check-2.2.2, instafail-0.5.0, allure-pytest-2.13.2, asyncio-0.23.6, selenium-4.1.0, xdist-3.5.0, variables-3.1.0, rerunfailures-13.0, html-4.1.1, progress-1.2.5, metadata-3.0.0, twisted-1.14.1, picked-0.5.0, anyio-4.3.0, Faker-24.0.0, trio-0.8.0, repeat-0.9.3, base-url-2.1.0, dependency-0.6.0, dotenv-0.5.2, timeout-2.2.0
asyncio: mode=Mode.STRICT
collected 2 items                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

tests/test_example.py::test_example1 PASSED
tests/test_example.py::test_example2 PASSEDGenerated JSON report with 2 test results.

=================================================================================================================== 2 passed in 0.04s ===================================================================================================================

生成的 JSON 报告内容

root@Gavin:~/test/hook# ll
total 28
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Oct  2 13:58 ./
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 May 30 16:27 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  573 Oct  2 13:58 conftest.py
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct  2 13:58 __pycache__/
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct  2 13:56 .pytest_cache/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  286 Oct  2 13:58 test_report.json
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct  2 13:58 tests/
root@Gavin:~/test/hook# cat test_report.json 
        "nodeid": "tests/test_example.py::test_example1",
        "outcome": "passed",
        "duration": 0.0001178579987026751
        "nodeid": "tests/test_example.py::test_example2",
        "outcome": "passed",
        "duration": 6.124901119619608e-05


root@Gavin:~/test/hook# pytest -s -v --cache-clear
================================================================================================================== test session starts ==================================================================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.11.6, pytest-8.0.2, pluggy-1.5.0 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
Test order randomisation NOT enabled. Enable with --random-order or --random-order-bucket=<bucket_type>
sensitiveurl: .*
metadata: {'Python': '3.11.6', 'Platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-35-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.38', 'Packages': {'pytest': '8.0.2', 'pluggy': '1.5.0'}, 'Plugins': {'cov': '4.1.0', 'order': '1.2.0', 'random-order': '1.1.1', 'tornasync': '0.6.0.post2', 'check': '2.2.2', 'instafail': '0.5.0', 'allure-pytest': '2.13.2', 'asyncio': '0.23.6', 'selenium': '4.1.0', 'xdist': '3.5.0', 'variables': '3.1.0', 'rerunfailures': '13.0', 'html': '4.1.1', 'progress': '1.2.5', 'metadata': '3.0.0', 'twisted': '1.14.1', 'picked': '0.5.0', 'anyio': '4.3.0', 'Faker': '24.0.0', 'trio': '0.8.0', 'repeat': '0.9.3', 'base-url': '2.1.0', 'dependency': '0.6.0', 'dotenv': '0.5.2', 'timeout': '2.2.0'}, 'JAVA_HOME': '/usr/lib/jdk1.8.0_171', 'Base URL': '', 'Driver': None, 'Capabilities': {}}
rootdir: /root/test/hook
plugins: cov-4.1.0, order-1.2.0, random-order-1.1.1, tornasync-0.6.0.post2, check-2.2.2, instafail-0.5.0, allure-pytest-2.13.2, asyncio-0.23.6, selenium-4.1.0, xdist-3.5.0, variables-3.1.0, rerunfailures-13.0, html-4.1.1, progress-1.2.5, metadata-3.0.0, twisted-1.14.1, picked-0.5.0, anyio-4.3.0, Faker-24.0.0, trio-0.8.0, repeat-0.9.3, base-url-2.1.0, dependency-0.6.0, dotenv-0.5.2, timeout-2.2.0
asyncio: mode=Mode.STRICT
collected 2 items                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

tests/test_example.py::test_example1 PASSEDTest tests/test_example.py::test_example1 PASSED with duration 0.0001 seconds.

tests/test_example.py::test_example2 PASSEDTest tests/test_example.py::test_example2 PASSED with duration 0.0001 seconds.

=================================================================================================================== 2 passed in 0.04s ===================================================================================================================
root@Gavin:~/test/hook# ll
total 32
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Oct  2 13:59 ./
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 May 30 16:27 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  436 Oct  2 13:59 conftest.py
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct  2 13:59 __pycache__/
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct  2 13:59 .pytest_cache/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4623 Oct  2 13:59 test_debug.log
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct  2 13:58 tests/
root@Gavin:~/test/hook# cat test_debug.log 
2024-10-02 13:59:33,783 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.address`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,784 - Provider `faker.providers.address` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,785 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.automotive`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,785 - Provider `faker.providers.automotive` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,786 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.bank`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,786 - Specified locale `en_US` is not available for provider `faker.providers.bank`. Locale reset to `en_GB` for this provider.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,786 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.barcode`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,786 - Provider `faker.providers.barcode` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,787 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.color`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,787 - Provider `faker.providers.color` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,788 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.company`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,788 - Provider `faker.providers.company` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,788 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.credit_card`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,789 - Provider `faker.providers.credit_card` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,789 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.currency`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,789 - Provider `faker.providers.currency` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,790 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.date_time`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,790 - Provider `faker.providers.date_time` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,790 - Provider `faker.providers.emoji` does not feature localization. Specified locale `en_US` is not utilized for this provider.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,790 - Provider `faker.providers.file` does not feature localization. Specified locale `en_US` is not utilized for this provider.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,790 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.geo`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,791 - Provider `faker.providers.geo` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,791 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.internet`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,791 - Provider `faker.providers.internet` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,792 - Provider `faker.providers.isbn` does not feature localization. Specified locale `en_US` is not utilized for this provider.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,792 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.job`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,792 - Provider `faker.providers.job` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,793 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.lorem`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,793 - Provider `faker.providers.lorem` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,795 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.misc`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,795 - Provider `faker.providers.misc` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,796 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.passport`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,796 - Provider `faker.providers.passport` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,796 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.person`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,797 - Provider `faker.providers.person` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,800 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.phone_number`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,800 - Provider `faker.providers.phone_number` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,801 - Provider `faker.providers.profile` does not feature localization. Specified locale `en_US` is not utilized for this provider.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,801 - Provider `faker.providers.python` does not feature localization. Specified locale `en_US` is not utilized for this provider.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,801 - Provider `faker.providers.sbn` does not feature localization. Specified locale `en_US` is not utilized for this provider.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,801 - Looking for locale `en_US` in provider `faker.providers.ssn`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,802 - Provider `faker.providers.ssn` has been localized to `en_US`.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,802 - Provider `faker.providers.user_agent` does not feature localization. Specified locale `en_US` is not utilized for this provider.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,803 - Test tests/test_example.py::test_example1 PASSED with duration 0.0001 seconds.
2024-10-02 13:59:33,804 - Test tests/test_example.py::test_example2 PASSED with duration 0.0001 seconds.


  1. 记录测试结果

    • 使用 pytest_runtest_logreport 钩子记录每个测试项的结果信息,并在测试会话结束时打印统计数据。
  2. 生成自定义格式的测试报告

    • pytest_runtest_logreport 钩子中收集测试结果信息,并在 pytest_sessionfinish 钩子生成JSON格式的测试报告。
  3. 添加调试和日志信息

    • pytest_runtest_logreport 钩子中添加调试和日志信息,通过 logging 模块记录到日志文件中,并在控制台输出。


  1. 检查 pytest 版本

    • 确保使用支持 pytest_runtest_logreport 钩子的pytest版本。
  2. 正确的目录结构和文件内容

    • 确保 conftest.py 文件位于项目根目录,测试文件如 test_example.py 放在 tests 目录你且符合pytest命名规则。
  3. 清理 pytest 缓存

    • 通过 pytest --cache-clear 清理缓存,确保使用最新代码和配置。
  4. 验证输出

    • 运行pytest并查看控制台和日志文件输出,确认测试报告生成期间的自定义逻辑执行结果符合预期。

pytest_runtest_makereport 与 pytest_runtest_logreport 的异同点

上一篇文章我介绍了pytest_runtest_makereport,那么 pytest_runtest_makereportpytest_runtest_logreport 这两个钩子函数有哪些异同点呢?


特性 pytest_runtest_makereport pytest_runtest_logreport
功能概述 用于生成每个测试项的执行报告,并允许插入自定义逻辑。 监控每个测试项的执行报告生成,并插入额外的日志记录和报告信息。
触发时机 在每个测试项执行后,用于生成执行报告时触发。 在每个测试项执行完成后,报告生成时触发。
传递参数 item:测试项对象。
常见使用场景 1. 重写或扩展默认的测试项报告。
2. 记录测试的开始时间和结束时间。
3. 管理通过和失败的统计数据。
1. 添加额外的日志信息到报告中。
2. 记录测试结果到外部报告(如 JSON, HTML)。
3. 实现细粒度的日志记录和调试信息。
关键点差异 - 主要用于影响或生成报告内容
- itemcall 提供更多上下文信息。
- 主要用于记录和监控报告
- 使用 report 对象直接获取测试项的结果和持续时间。
是否影响报告生成 是,可以影响或重写默认报告内容。 否,主要用于记录和添加信息,不影响报告生成。



# conftest.py
import pytest
import time
import logging

# 配置日志记录
logging.basicConfig(filename='test_report.log', level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s')

def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
    item.start_time = time.time()

def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
    if call.when == 'call':
        duration = time.time() - item.start_time
        log_message = f"Test {item.nodeid} completed in {duration:.4f} seconds."

# 示例测试文件 `tests/test_example.py`
def test_example1():
    assert 1 + 1 == 2

def test_example2():
    assert 2 + 2 == 4


# conftest.py
import pytest
import logging

# 配置日志记录
logging.basicConfig(filename='test_debug.log', level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s')

def pytest_runtest_logreport(report):
    if report.when == 'call':
        log_message = f"Test {report.nodeid} {report.outcome.upper()} with duration {report.duration:.4f} seconds."

# 示例测试文件 `tests/test_example.py`
def test_example1():
    assert 1 + 1 == 2

def test_example2():
    assert 2 + 2 == 4

通过以上表格及示例代码,我们可以清楚地看到 pytest_runtest_makereportpytest_runtest_logreport 的异同点。


通过详细介绍 pytest_runtest_logreport 钩子的使用场景、参数及应用示例,希望能帮助你更好地理解和使用这个钩子函数。无论是记录测试结果、处理统计数据,还是生成自定义格式的测试报告,都能为你提供强大的工具,增强测试报告的灵活性和可调试性。

文章作者: Gavin Wang
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 Gavin Wang !